Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Elephants and diamonds

Well, Kristen and I just got back from a week-long trip to the Eastern Cape/Transkei and back, to visit our friends Alex and Andy of potatoriot fame. We had an amazing time, though one part stands out in particular - the Blue Crane Farmstall in Heidelberg. Just kidding (although it was nice there). The big news is that Kristen and I got engaged! I proposed to her at Addo Elephant Park. It was very romantic. Yada yada yada. But let me not get ahead of myself...

We drove out to Addo, which is primarily an elephant reserve, and you can drive yourself around to watch the animals.
Charging out of the bush to say hi

The best part about the whole thing is that they charge foreigners R260 to enter, but they said we counted as locals since we've lived in SA for so long - so we only had to pay R50! Awesome! Also, it had been pouring rain all day until five minutes before we arrived, and then started back up again just as we were leaving - someone knew I had special needs.

We proceeded into the park, saw shitloads of elephants (man, they're so freaking cool), and eventually came to a place where you could get out of your car.

Is this a sign of danger to come?

That was where we climbed to the top of the lookout tower, I got down on one knee, and asked Kristen to marry me. I'd decided that it would be more fun for both of us if we chose rings together, so instead of presenting her with a pre-chosen engagement ring, I gave her the special ring that she'd bought me for my birthday two years ago - I wear it everyday, so I thought it'd be special. But now my finger feels empty, so I want it back! I'd better get her a nice diamond, then...

She said she was surprised...

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