Saturday, 25 July 2009

Cape Bling

As I may have mentioned, Kristen and I just got engaged to be married. However, at the time of engagement, I decided that instead of buying a ring and presenting it to her, we would go together to pick out and purchase one (well, we'd pick it out together... the purchasing was still one-sided. And no, this was not purely a laziness issue... I thought it would be more romantic to do it together). In it's place I presented her with my ring that I wear every day - she'd bought it for my birthday several years ago, and I love it.

Thing models Alex's ring

Well, in the meantime, we searched around for a real diamond. After a few stops, we quickly decided on this jeweler in Cape Town, Hein. He was really helpful, not pressuring, and really informative, and he right away found us a gorgeous stone in our price range. He doesn't sell pre-made diamond rings - he buys the stones for you and then designs a setting for it. Anyway, the required time finally came and the ring was made, and it's beautiful - we love it. Very modern but timeless - it suits Kristen perfectly. It's hard to do justice to how sparkly it actually is by photograph, but here is our best effort.

Careful, or the sparkles will put out your eyes


Phamos said...

Yay, pretty! (Actually, it looks kinda similar to my ring, which has a similar story behind it -- went to jeweler, picked stone, designed ring. Segev was so happy afterwards; he said "I'm glad we did that together, I totally wouldn't have come up with something that nice on my own.")

fdm said...

So pretty - even prettier and sparklier in person. photos do no justice to bling.

Anonymous said...; You saved my day again.

Anonymous said...

You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view

Anonymous said...

You have tested it and writing form your personal experience or you find some information online?