Friday, 17 August 2007

Yard Monkeys spotted


Anonymous said...

dude. i can't believe you would try to pull a fast one on me like that. those are clearly not yard monkeys. one is a dog dressed up as a cowboy. NOT YARD MONKEY. and the other appears to be a picture of a baby pulled from the internet with a photoshoped guitar. also NOT YARD MONKEY. i'm a little offended that you thought you could slip these by me, alex. i've never been to africa, but i'll know a yard monkey when i see one.

Alex said...

Dammit, Jamie, you're too good! I'll grant you that the dog dressed up as a cowboy is no monkey... but he clearly is dangerous! Searching for the fabled yard monkey is hearty enough work as it is, without having to avoid highway-dogs such as these...

But seriously! That is no baby - it's clearly a monkey. You would have been able to tell if you'd seen the actual movie of him playing the guitar. He's in somebody's yard (everything is a desert in Africa) and he's clearly causing trouble!

Anonymous said...

Cute yard monkey, er dog.

Anonymous said...

Is that cowboy/dog/monkey holding a gun??!?!!!