Ok, now I want to put up some prettier pictures - of campus and of where I live. So here is where I live...
In the picture to the right here, off in the distance is NOT Table Mountain - that's facing east, into another cool mountain range, I don't know what it's called.
And here is my favorite one - the fog just on the horizon, overlooking the city - how cool is that?
I have to say, I'm ashamed that I really don't have any pictures of wild animals yet (with the possible exception of Mishka). My only excuse is that every time I took one, the yard monkeys would steal my camera and erase it - they are seriously shy for such evil creatures. But fear not - I just today heard about two things which might ease your pain in the future.
- I found out where the penguins live. So as soon as I close the deal on this damn car, I'm there.
- I heard about a documentary called "Air Jaws," about FLYING SHARKS, which happen only off the coast of Cape Town and Australia. And apparently, we have about 140 sightings a year, compared to 5 a year in Australia. So things should get interesting soon...
P E N G U I N S !
Table Mountain looming over your campus is pretty freakin cool.
i must say, alex, so far i haven't seen anything uniquely african in these pictures. mountains and rain? as far as i can tell you're in seattle. there was that one picture of a sign that said "Cape Town", but that could easily have been photoshoped. i need convincing evidence, my friend. and you know what that is: YARD MONKEYS. (it will be months before i get bored of this, i swear.)
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