Sunday 22 June 2008

Torture in Zim

This NYTimes article on the torture of Zimbabweans was really telling, I thought. Quite graphic, but it really makes it clear that the run-off election coming up is a COMPLETE farce. Of course, this really isn't any different from Mugabe's historical inhumanities, but one could have hoped that this one would be different...


Unknown said...

As I read in the paper this morning guess there won't be any run off election now (since Tsvangirai dropped out). Why is South Africa siding with Mugabe. This is a horrific situation isn't it.

Alex said...

Yeah, looks like Tsvangirai (by the way, pronounced Chang-gir-aye - the tsv is unpronouncable in english, but that's the closest we can do) has decided that it's not worth anymore horrendous violence to put up with the sham anymore. Doesn't seem like there was anything else he could do.

Man, I have no idea why Mbeki (pres of SA) is being such a DICK! It's completely unacceptable at this point that they are not standing up and really taking a stand against Mugabe. Although, honestly, this is no worse than what he has been doing for the past 20 years, and SA has never said anything, so why start now?