There is more good news. This past weekend was a historic Cape Town weekend in that it was the first one where I didn't have car issues. Let's all give a warm round of applause to God for allowing my car to live one more week.
I also had a great spring kickoff braai at Amanda and Jeff's place on Monday. We braaied up some delicious beer soaked ribs and some boerwors sausages. Mmmm... too bad we didn't have any ostrich (which is my new obsession), but there will definitely be plenty of time for that in the coming months. It is also extremely relieving to note that, as the weather gets nicer and warmer, it is NOT getting humider (is that not a word? my spell check doesn't think so...). Sitting in the sun gets pretty hot, but moving to the shade makes it immediately pleasant and cool. This may seem trivial to some people, but I have never lived anywhere that WASN'T grossly humid when the heat came... I like...
How the hell do you have a blog and I didn't even know about it. grief.
The cat's out of the bag - out of embarrassment at speaking face-to-face with someone who's seen my cheesy blog, I hadn't told my co-workers about capetownphysicist... but now the secrets out...
Yowser - and as someone who never posts on people's blogs - you have lured me out of being a lurker into being a commenter. I just have to say - you can come photo my yard monkey anytime though beware she bites. And if you need to satisfy Jamie with some real serious monkeys - we'll go to Cape Point and you can get mugged by the baboons like Chrissy and Jeff.
This view is awesome! I like the morning fog too. So you don't show_up_in_the_office_around_noon anymore? :P
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